Understanding LTI Consumer 1.1 and 1.3 also What are the Key Difference and Upgrades?

Open edX is a popular online learning platform designed to provide access to high-quality education for learners worldwide. Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a standard that enables seamless integration of learning applications with LMS.


Open edX is a popular online learning platform designed to provide access to high-quality education for learners worldwide. Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a standard that enables seamless integration of learning applications with Learning Management Systems (LMS). Open edX supports LTI, allowing instructors to easily integrate external learning tools into their courses. In this article, we will explore Open edX LTI Consumer 1.1 and 1.3, highlighting their features, differences, and upgrades

Open edx LTI Consumer 1.1 Introduction

LTI Consumer 1.1 was introduced to enable basic LTI functionality in Open edX. This version allows instructors to:
  • Configure LTI tools for their courses
  • Pass user information and course data to LTI tools
  • Receive grades and outcomes from LTI tools

While LTI Consumer 1.1 provided a foundation for LTI integration, it had limitations. For instance, it lacked support for advanced features such as deep linking and custom parameters.

Tip: Make sure you have logged in to the Open edX Studio before proceeding with the article.

How to use LTI 1.1 in Open edx Studio:

  1. Add an LTI passcode: Go to the Studio advance settings and add a unique genrated LTI passcode.

LTI Passports

  1. Configure the LTI tool: In the course setting, add an LTI tool configuration, including:
    • Launch URL
    • LTI version (select 1.1)
    • Custom parameters (if required)
  2. Add the LTI component: In the course outline, add an LTI component, selecting the configured tool from step 2.
    LTI Consumer component
  3. Set up LTI Launch: In the LTI component settings, specify the launch settings, such as:
    • Launch type (e.g.,  iframe, new window)
    • Launch text or icon

    Lunch type & lunch text-1

  4. Test the LTI tool: Preview the course and test the LTI tool launch to ensure it works as expected.

      You can successfully use LTI 1.1 in Open edx Studio in integrate external tools and enhance your course content.

      LMS View

      LTI intigiration LMS view

      Open edx LTI Consumer 1.3 Introduction

      LTI Consumer 1.3  is an upgraded version that addresses the limitatiins of 1.1 and introuces new features, including:

      • Deep linking: Enables instructors to link to specific resourse within an LTI tool
      • Custom parameters: Allows instuctors to pass additional data to LTI tools
      • Improved security: Supports encrypted authentication and authorization
      • Enhanced grade passback: Supports multiple grade fields and improved error handing


      Tip: Make sure you have logged in to the Open edX Studio before proceeding with the article.

      How to use LTI 1.3 deep linking in edx Studio:

      1. Configure the LTI tool: In the course settings, add an LTI tool configuration, including:
        • Launch URL
        • LTI version (select 1.3)
        • Passcode (generated in step 1)
        • Custom parameters (if required)
        • Deep linking enabled (true)
      2. Specify the deep linking URL: In the LTI tool configuration, provide the deep linking URL template, using placeholders for course and user information (e.g., {course_id}, {user_id})
      3. Add the LTI component: In the course outline, add an LTI component, selecting the configured tool from step 1.
      4. Set up the deep link: In the LTI component settings, specify the deep link settings, including:
        • Deep link URL (using the template from step 2)
        • Course and user information placeholders
      5. Test the deep link: Preview the course and test the deep link to ensure it launches the LTI tool with the correct course and user context.

        Example of a deep linking URL template:
        (link unavailable) courses/{course_id}/users/{user_id}/lessons/{lesson_id}

      You can use LTI 1.3 deep linking to seamlessly launch external tools within specific course contexts in Open edX Studio.

      Key differeneces between LTI Consumer 1.1 & 1.3 are:

      • Support for advanced features like deep linking and custom parameters
      • Improved security and grade passbook functionality
      • Enhanced overall perfomance and stability